



The script needs the codebase for which the building is targeted, you must
provide it with one of the following values or aliases:

  ================== =========  =============================================
  Value              Alias      Server
  ================== =========  =============================================
  innodb51_builtin   5.1    build against built-in InnoDB in MySQL 5.1
  innodb51           plugin build against InnoDB plugin in MySQL 5.1
  innodb55           5.5    build against InnoDB in MySQL 5.5
  xtradb51           xtradb     build against Percona Server with XtraDB 5.1
  xtradb55           xtradb55   build against Percona Server with XtraDB 5.5
  innodb56           5.6        build against InnoDB in MySQL 5.6
  ================== =========  =============================================


The script needs the codebase for which the building is targeted, you must
provide it with one of the following values or aliases:

  ================== =========  =============================================
  Value              Alias      Server
  ================== =========  =============================================
  innodb51           plugin build against InnoDB plugin in MySQL 5.1
  innodb55           5.5    build against InnoDB in MySQL 5.5
  xtradb51           xtradb     build against Percona Server with XtraDB 5.1
  xtradb55           xtradb55   build against Percona Server with XtraDB 5.5
  innodb56           5.6        build against InnoDB in MySQL 5.6
  ================== =========  =============================================

解释一下:从percona-xtrabackup2.1开始取消对innodb built-in版本支持,即:用Percona-Xtrabackup2.1备份5.1built-in版本将会出现如下报错:

innobackupex: Error: Support for MySQL 5.1 with builtin InnoDB (not the plugin) was removed in Percona XtraBackup 2.1. The last version to support MySQL 5.1 with builtin InnoDB was Percona XtraBackup 2.0.


cd /tmp
wget https://github.com/percona/percona-xtrabackup/archive/percona-xtrabackup-2.0.8.tar.gz
tar xf percona-xtrabackup-2.0.8.tar.gz
cd percona-xtrabackup-percona-xtrabackup-2.0.8
wget http://downloads.mysql.com/archives/mysql-5.1/mysql-5.1.59.tar.gz 
./utils/build.sh 5.1

编译安装完,备份工具保存在 src/xtrabackup_51,打包xtrabackup_51和innobackupex 到目的服务器的/usr/local/bin目录下,即可执行备份

标签:MySQL 发布于:2019-11-18 09:47:59